After the pre-season and before the smoker, the draft will occur. Only team leaders and two executive members will be present and the draft results will be private. They will be revealed at the Smoker and at about 10 pm on our smoker night at our website. You will play with your drafted team the next night.
IMPORTANT: Not everyone will be drafted. We usually have more people wanting to play than available spaces. Players returning from a one year absence are guaranteed the right to return. Everyone else is entered into the draft and it is up to the team leaders to decide if you play. If you have not been drafted, I will be in contact with you to let you know. Your payment will be returned to you less the BCLA $20 Card fee as exhibition games have occurred and $50 if you wish to be added to the Spares list. If you wish to attend the smoker, you will be able to buy a ticket for $75.00
Anyone not drafted will be able to play as a spare. Spares will be used to fill absences and, where long term injuries occur, a team may end up putting a person on the roster for the remainder of the year.